Adventures from Moldova

This is my blog containing all of my adventures as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Moldova.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Only 37 more days til I leave....and I couldn't be more ready for it! I just found out that I will be going to Philadelphia for staging and also received the contact information for my group as well. I am in Group 19 but my subgroup is "AA 140." I also found out that I am the only female in that group too which should make things interesting. I hope everyone in my group will be as excited as I am to experience all of these new adventures.

I will only be in Philadelphia for 3 days and then I fly to do 3 months of training in Ialoveni, Moldova which is only about 10K (6.2 miles) outside of the capital, Chisinau. That will be really great because is is only a short distance to the city for things we need or just to do something fun. I don't really know how much free time we will have during the first 3 months, and I am assuming that it will be really intensive. I just can't believe that this time next year I will be able to pretty much speak a completely different language. I want to work really hard so that by the time I leave, I am fluent.


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