This past week was great because we had our final week of PST in Chisinau. We had language lessons every day, different sessions with speakers for our Technical Training, as well as more Administrative sessions (safety, security, etc.). I think the best part was getting see everyone and hearing their stories about their villages. It sounds as though everyone is doing great. There was a large snow fall in the southern part of Moldova and some people were without power for an extended period of time. It did a lot of damage to some of the electrical lines and so it has been difficult getting everything put back together. I just talked with my mom on the phone on Sunday and it sounds as though the same thing is happening back home in Missouri. People have been without power for days because of all the ice, snow, and sleet.
So far, I have enjoyed being at my site. The picture that I posted is of Ştefan Cel Mare or "Steven the Great" in English. He was Moldova's great savior from the 14th century I believe. I can't specifically remember the dates, but if you are interested, you can always look him up. There is a statue of him in many villages and towns in Moldova, and mine is no different! Anyway, I really enjoy everyone in my office and getting to know what everyone is doing. I am unable to help out a lot right now because my business vocabulary isn't very strong, but I am working on it everyday. It will soon be at the level that I want it to be. Also at my site, I am playing basketball with the high school students in my town twice a week. It's a great way to get to know more people and is great exercise as well. It has been a lot of fun and is actually helping my improve my Romanian as well.
I also found out that I am going to be one of the co-directors for GLOW Camp, which stands for "Girls Leadering Our World." It is a leadership camp that teaches teenage girls about life, health, and many other subject. I am incredibly excited for it and can't wait to get started. It is going to be a challenge because everything is done in Romanian and Russian, and there is no English involved. But I believe that it is a challenge that will help me improve in many ways and is also a challenge that I am looking forward to.
Well, that is all I have for now. Please make comments on my blog or send me an email so that I know what you would like to hear about. Thanks!
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